Tuesday 2 November 2010

Summary for Week 2-5

The project VisitEssex is a group work and we are three members including Henry, Mathew and I. the main task is to produce animations about a chosen area of Essex.

This project started in week 2 of the semester. After the lecture from Ms Eliis who is the Tourism, Marketing and PR Manager at Essex County Council, we began to have a group meeting regarding what topic, where and how we are going to produce it as an animation.

In week 3, a few ideas have been discussed. The initial idea was to make animations of the animals from the zoo, as it was really interesting to do it especially when it comes to the animation and choose some object with movements itself. But then we considered it might be too complicated and difficult to model an animal and its behaviour as well the movements. Therefore, we discussed that we should pick something easier like buildings. And then we had an idea of demonstrating the development of a specific historical building in Essex such as Colchester castle. We planned to use a timeline to show different period of that building. However, the idea was changed again; we thought it would be very boring to work on a single building itself and finally we ended up with creating an animation of radios of three different times--- the early gramophone, a radio from the 50s, and a digital radio from the present day. The main reason for choosing this theme is that Chelmsford is the birthplace of the radio, and the intention is to attract tourists to visit Chelmsford. We assigned our task and each of us would produce one radio and some animation along with.

During week 4-5, we were basically doing some research on the radios of ages. By doing so, we found some radio representing different time; we worked on the storyboard and discussed what each scene should be as well as how we could transit from one scene to another. We agreed that we could have three different rooms of ages with one each radio in, by zooming into the room from outside the building, the animation starts as the background music begins. Also, the sound here plays an important role. We planned to use some typical music or radio to demonstrate the feature of that specific age, by doing that, we could connect two scenes together continuously. In the meanwhile, we will try to decorate the rooms with wallpaper to show the changes according to the timeline.

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