Tuesday 9 November 2010

Some research and preparation work

Before the modeling started, some research on the chosen radio (50s) has been implemented, as I need different perspectives of the radio:

The model: Radio Bush TR82

Some inspiration regarding the radio animation…
Radio transform
Useful resources of radio tutorials:

Some sketches…
According to the radio tutorials, I started to make some sort of sketches, in order to have a basic understanding of how to model a radio. Use the ChamferBox to create the body of the radio and then create two Chamfer Cylinders, after that apply Boolean method to merge the objects together by creating the hole as detail.

The handle of the radio is created with Rectangle tool, and then Convert it to Editable Spline, set the parameters as shown below:

Also, create a Cylinder, clone it and place them on both sides of the radio, which work like screws and connect the turning point. Again, use Cylinder to create antenna.

Convert the antenna to Editable Poly, and extrude it by setting Extrude Height to 0.65, keep doing this for twice until the size matches each other and look like a real antenna. Add a sphere at the end of antenna. Now it looks like a real antenna!

The basic appearance of a simple radio is done after applying wooden material on it:


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