Saturday 20 November 2010

Radio modeling continues...

As is shown below, as I zoom in the radio, there are small holes are found on the surface, which are formed by unwanted vertices, after removing all those useless ones, the surface become entirely smooth.

Also, UVW mapping modifier plays a significant role during applying material process, as is shown below, the material is stretched and it is difficult to see the texture of the material. Therefore, UVW Mapping is adopted to assure that the material has been assigned to the object properly. Here Box Mapping is used due to the shape of the radio.

A big work is to create the stripe with the method of Extrude the polygons to a specific height value (-1.5), which is one of the main features of the chosen radio and occupies half space of the front side. As I realize that there is no shortcut to clone the stripe, so I did all the stripes one by one, including the ones at the back. Finally the stripes give some depth to the radio and look perfect with the texture as well.

The logo has been created by using Text tool with Segoe UI Bold Italic font, after that apply Bevel modifier.

Time to create the buttons…
Again, create the buttons with ChamferBox; for the “play” symbols or signs on the button, I used the Box and then reduce one corner (two vertices) to create a triangle, and then Boolean it.

Doing the same for the other two buttons: stop button and pause-play button.

The buttons after applying metal materials:

The other buttons such as volume controller and channel control will be created by using Spindle basically. Ring and Connect the edges in order to have more details, the new edges after Connected are scaled down to have the gears around it. Apply material or colours respectively.


For the other part of the radio, the material details are shown as follows:

General radio material:
White/ metal part of the radio:
The channel
The stripe
Bush logo
The final radio prototype

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