Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week 6 (inc. group presentation & SWOT analysis)

In week 6, first of all, a presentation of group ideas has been held.  I actually didn’t expect that there was a presentation on that day, therefore, no preparation at all! However, thanks to Henry and Mathew who did it finally with demonstrating the basic ideas and three models of the radio as well as the storyboard to show the timeline of the animation. The presentation went well and we’ve got a few good suggestions from Richard, for instance, we should not just insert music of different period to illustrate the characteristics of the radio, perhaps we could also apply radio-audio rather than music from that time, even though maybe it is low quality, yet it reinforces the suitability between the audio and visualization.  Hence, we will try to apply this in the further work.

According to our presentation, a SWOT analysis of our project needs to be undertaken.
As is known, in SWOT, strengths and weaknesses are internal factors while opportunities and threats are external factors.  In our SWOT, we obtain several advantages (strengths), for example, the chosen location is in Chelmsford itself where our campus locates, which helps us to collect the information faster and easier. Also, two of the group members are from Essex and they are familiar with the history of chosen topic. Furthermore, the chosen project itself is not too difficult to complete for three members, as each of has to model one radio; yet it is interesting and challenging to make the animation with the sound effects as well as the transitions between different scenes. However, we are facing the problem of lacking the relevant tutorial as guidance, so we ourselves have to figure out how to create the radio model the same as the one we selected. On the other hand, we have certain limitation regarding the programme skills such as 3D MAX studio and Adobe Premiere, which will probably hinder the development of whole process.  The opportunity to carry out this project is that there will be new career marketing for us if the final production is a success in attracting the tourists to Essex. Nevertheless, the threats could be that the tastes of the tourists have shifted away from radio to something else such as the museums, castles and zoos, etc.

SWOT analysis:

·         Location of our project is convenient to obtain information faster and easier
·         Group member(from Essex) familiarize with the history of chosen topic
·         The chosen project is interesting and challenging
·         Lack  of relevant tutorial
·         Programme skill limitation

·         Attract the tourists by our production and get well-known
·         A new career marketing for us
·         Shifts in tourists’ tastes away from the radio

The SWOT Matrix

A SWOT matrix shown below is constructed as developing strategies:

S-O strategies
W-O strategies
S-T strategies
W-T strategies

According to the chart above, we summarize our conclusion, therefore---
we could pursue opportunities that are a good fit to our strengths (S-O strategies)--->> utilize our knowledge to produce a complete and rounded animation to fit the needs of the target group, by doing so, we might explore a new career marketing for ourselves;

we could overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities (W-O strategies) --->> although somehow we have the difficulties in mastering the skills in doing this project, yet we can still cultivate our interest in certain alternative area which might be another career opportunity for us;

we should identify ways that we can use the strengths to reduce the weaknesses to external threats (S-T strategies)--->> convert our passion with Essex to an in-depth level, so that we can stick to what’re doing, no matter how much trouble we’re encountering;

we should establish a defensive plan to prevent our weaknesses from making it highly susceptible to external threats (W-T strategies) --->> try to get as much assistance with the programme as possible to create a user-friendly animation and have a belief that the target group will eventually be attracted.

  1.     http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm
  2.     http://marketingteacher.com/lesson-store/lesson-swot.html 
  3.     http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/

Secondly, personal blog has been created and individual work on the radio modelling has started. During this work, I have worked on the radio modelling according to the chosen radio---the radio from 50s. Before starting, I was struggling to find a suitable method to get approach to it, as I was thinking to use the method similar to the head modelling earlier, such as the UVW-map. However, I haven’t figured it out and couldn’t find a relevant tutorial of UVW-unwrap tool, and then I just started to create the basic shape of the radio with some materials on it.

The details of the whole process will be updated soon…

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