Tuesday 16 November 2010

Real work starts...

Real work of radio modeling starts now…
Place a reference image of the front and side view of the chosen radio, even though I couldn't find exactly the same radio of different perspectives yet the same model.

 Start to create the body of the radio by following the same method as mentioned above. Modify the shape of the radio by vertex until it looks similar to the chosen radio.

Again, follow the same way to create the handle and the sides, and then apply Turbosmooth.

Clone the existing handle and place the cloned parallel to it. Add a Box on the top and scale two sides down in order to have the following shape, afterwards attach it onto the handle and apply Turbosmooth modifier.

The rough body of the radio:

It is time to try to apply some materials onto the radio, wooden and metal are the main materials used here. As the objects have been attached together, so I use Multi/Sub-object to apply materials on the respective objects or polygon.
More materials have been added…

Having been struggling with create the channel screen for the radio, due to the stretched original image, difficult to adjust the shape after applying as a material, but it seems all right here.

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